7 Useful Tips from Experts in Website Development

Content Delivery Networks & Caching:

The load time of a website increases when it is hosted on a single server. Each user must submit queries to the same server, which takes time to complete. The website is experiencing a high volume of traffic, and the page is taking longer to load. Furthermore, load times increase when the user is further away from the server since the information must travel a greater distance. Web development company in Coimbatore suggests the use of a CDN is a solution to this problem. In essence, a CDN is a geographically distributed group of servers from which you can send all of the assets required to load Internet content, such as HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, photos, and videos. All of these files are cached on CDN servers closer to your users' locations, which reduces the heavy demand on your website and speeds up your application.

Minimize HTTP Requests:

If your website makes many HTTP requests, then the web pages will take more time to load. According to Yahoo, 80% of a Web page’s load time is spent downloading the various parts of the page, like images, stylesheets, and scripts. When a visitor wants to access these elements on your website it requires more HTTP requests and takes a long time to render the page. Thus, web development services in Coimbatore build websites that make a lower number of requests.

Redirects should be minimised:

Web development company in Coimbatore might use redirects to move and delete pages or to solve the problem of broken links, but these redirects generate more HTTP requests, which slows down speed. Redirects (301, 302) slow down pages and degrade website speed. To begin, use tools such as Screaming Frog to discover all redirection and then determine which ones are unnecessary on your website. Remove any redirects that aren't necessary and just preserve the ones that are.

Compression should be enabled:

Every day, according to Google, 99 years of human life are wasted due to uncompressed web material. The greater your files are, the longer it will take for your pages to load. Reduced file size is a wonderful approach practiced by web development services in Coimbatoreto improve page speed, therefore always attempt to compress as many files as feasible. It helps to speed up the website by reducing HTTP requests.


When a user views a website, the items are saved in cache, which is a type of temporary hard drive storage. When the same individual returns to the same page, he or she can load it without having to make another HTTP call to the server. Web development company in Coimbatore say the pages load faster as a result of this approach. Essentially, caching saves the most recent version of the webpage on the server and displays it until it is refreshed. For cached pages, there is no need to send database requests every time.

Enhance the database:

The database has a significant impact on the web application's performance. CMS comes with a slew of complicated plugins that bloat the database and slow down the web page's load speed. Disable any plugins in your database that you don't need. WordPress CMS saves a lot of data in the form of articles, comments, pages, and other types of textual and encrypted data for web development company in Coimbatore. Over time, the database fills up, and junk data begins to accumulate, such as spam comments, unapproved comments, post changes, and deleted objects like posts and pages. Get rid of all the worthless information and data. Post revisions can be limited, disabled, or deleted. Different optimization approaches are used by different CMS. Consider using WP-Optimize for WordPress.

Image Optimization:

Images play an important role for web development services in Coimbatore in the development of a website, whether we're talking about the corporate logo or the necessity to show off a product to customers. According to a poll, 66 percent of shoppers prefer to see at least three photos of a product before purchasing it, therefore images are critical for e-commerce businesses. It boosts user engagement, but because the files are usually huge, it slows down the pace of your website. What comes next? Images should be compressed. Compressing photos without sacrificing quality can be done with applications like Compressor.io, JPEGmini, Kraken, WP Smush (for WordPress), and TinyPNG. You may also utilise Optimus in conjunction with an API that focuses on lossless and lossy image compression.