What Will Logo Designing Be Like in 10 Years?

We need to look into the future of graphic design to answer the question "what will logos look like in the future?" Let's take a look at some of the logo design trends we believe will be popular in the future.

Simple and minimalist logos:

Minimalism and simplicity are prevalent in contemporary design, especially logo design. Because of how stunning a bare-bones design is, taking a more abstract and minimalist approach to logo design is becoming increasingly trendy. Simplistic logos will allow businesses to let their brands speak for themselves in the future, rather from having to compete with a sea of noisy logos. While elaborate designs have shown to be beneficial in the past, stripped-down logos are likely to be more effective in the future.

Logos that utilize negative space:

Designers will continue to favour the use of negative space in logo design in the future. FedEx's concealed arrow within the negative space between the "E" and the "x" in their logo is arguably the most renowned example of this style of logo design. It also allows customers to interact with a brand, as the Toblerone logo demonstrates. Consumers were taken aback when they discovered a hidden bear within the negative space of the mountain component of the logo, making it a topic of conversation for firms to bring up with their customers. We anticipate that logo designers will continue to use negative space in the future.

Graphic logo designs:

Although minimalist logos and logos that use negative space are already popular in the design industry, we haven't seen much in the way of motion graphic logos. But, because to technological advancements, we are starting to do so. Logos were only exhibited on actual objects before digital technology, which made updating them significantly more difficult, not to mention expensive. However, logos are increasingly ubiquitous, particularly online, making modification much easier and less expensive.

Rather of having a static logo, 'graphic frameworks' allow logos to move and evolve, allowing organisations to start a conversation about something other than their own name or logo mark. And we're witnessing this logo design trend in action right now. Google's homepage logo changes and moves depending on the events of the day, such as a historical figure's birthday or a particular holiday. It's no wonder that motion graphics are finding their way into logo design, given how popular GIFs have grown on social media.

Variable logos:

Variable logos are symbols that change depending on the target audience. This makes perfect sense in terms of marketing and branding. If we want to reach out to different groups of people, we need to tailor our messaging to meet their requirements. And where better to begin than with your own logo? As it becomes easier and cheaper for designers to adapt a brand's logo for numerous target audiences, we should expect to see even more variable logos in the future. It will also allow firms to experiment with their logos without fully abandoning their original plan.

These are just a handful of the logo design trends we may expect to see in the next years. Of course, as design technology advances, there will be a plethora of new possibilities. If you're looking for additional examples, DesignCrowd offers a nice breakdown of their predictions, including some of their own logo ideas that they believe will be popular in the future.